UP PGT Exam Syllabus

UP PGT Exam Syllabus
All the candidates aspiring to become assistant teachers and teachers in the topmost schools look forward to applying for the upcoming UP PGT Examination. To clear the exam, you must be well-equipped with the UPPGT syllabus and exam pattern.
The UP PGT Exam Syllabus includes the following subjects:
» General Hindi
» General English
» General Knowledge
» Concerned Subject (Post-Graduate Level)
The detailed syllabus for each subject is as follows:
General Hindi: हिन्दी भाषा के प्रयोग में अशुद्धियाँ, वर्ण विचार, शब्द रचना, वाक्य रचना, वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ, अशुद्ध वाक्यों को शुद्ध करना, मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ, विराम चिह्न का महत्त्व, समास, अलंकार एवं रस, पर्यायवाची शब्द, विलोम शब्द, संधि एवं संधि विच्छेद।
General English: Comprehension, Fill in the Blanks, Error Detection, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms & Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, etc.
General Knowledge: Indian Politics, Indian Geography, Indian History, Current Affairs, Indian Economy, Indian Constitution, General Science, etc.
Concerned Subject (Post-Graduate Level): The concerned subject syllabus will be based on the post-graduation level of the subject chosen by the candidate. The syllabus will vary according to the subject chosen by the candidate.
It is important for candidates to thoroughly go through the syllabus and prepare accordingly to perform well in the exam.
UP PGT Exam Pattern 2023
Type of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions |
Mode of the Exam | Paper & Pen-Based Test |
Subjects | General Ability related subjects |
Total Marks | 425 Marks |
Total Questions | 125 Questions |
Exam Duration | 2 Hours |
Marking Scheme | +3.4 marks for each correct answer and no negative marking for the wrong answer |
UP PGT Exam Syllabus
Part A consists of General Knowledge and Part B consists of the subject-specific syllabus. Here are the detailed syllabus for both the parts:Part A: General Knowledge
- General Science and Environment: Questions in this section will test the candidate's knowledge of general science and the environment, including topics such as physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, and environmental issues.
- Current Affairs:This section will test the candidate's knowledge of current events and happenings in India and around the world.
- Indian History: This section will cover the major events and personalities of Indian history from ancient to modern times.
- Indian National Movement: This section will cover the major events and personalities of the Indian freedom struggle.
- Geography: Questions in this section will test the candidate's knowledge of Indian and world geography, including physical, political, economic, and social aspects.
- Indian Polity and Governance: This section will cover the Indian political system, Constitution, and governance structures.
- Economic and Social Development: This section will cover the major economic and social issues facing India and the world.
- General Mental Ability: This section will test the candidate's reasoning and analytical abilities.
Part B: Subject-Specific Syllabus
- Hindi: Grammar, literature, and language skills.
- English: Grammar, literature, and language skills.
- Commerce: Accounting, finance, management, and economics.
- Physics: Mechanics, heat, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics.
- Chemistry: Physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and analytical chemistry.
- Biology: Cell biology, genetics, microbiology, ecology, evolution, and physiology.
- History: Ancient, medieval, modern, and world history.
- Geography: Physical geography, human geography, and regional geography.
- Economics: Microeconomics, macroeconomics, and development economics.